Путеводитель "Мишлен"

Italy has not been fully understood yet: it is too old, too stuffed with the history and creations of geniuses of all ages, and the crowds need to tune in to the spiritual and go around several great cities at once, or is one enough? Is it possible to grossly neglect culture and simply afford a tan and the sea? And are resorts and hotels good? We already wrote about Rome separately. There is not a single person who could, without flinching, tell about Italy in such, for example, spirit: Florence is most interesting, then Pisa and Riviera, and Genoa is not worth attention at all. And the famous Miclielin guidebook is convenient here: it is completely devoid of complexes and extremely functional.

It marked the places with three stars, the most worthy of visiting. There are also objects with one or two stars - they also deserve attention, but not of primary importance. Stars were calculated by many expert travelers, taking into account the general picturesqueness and attractiveness, as well as the presence of great cultural monuments. Three-star, the highest category, cities and regions in the country of artists and ancient Michelin stones has more than thirty - this is a lot, but still not prohibitive. In this, he differs from many others who offer to watch everything. Of course, you don’t have to completely trust Michelin. But someone always has to trust, going to an unfamiliar country. Our domestic travel companies now also undertook to send customers on wanderings, for two or three days in several great cities.

Compiled by Italians themselves and translated into Russian “Italy's Window to the World” Travel Guide, on the contrary, it is advised not to go on well-worn tourist roads, but to travel in rural, not very high-profile areas, to small towns and villages. It attracts, of course, but how to neglect Venice, which, they say, is gradually immersed in water? It is better to choose a trip within one region, Tuscany, Lombardy, Lbrutstsi and Molise, Emilia-Romagna or, say, Umbria. So, to capture the famous city, and nature with mountains, sea or lake, and the village flavor, seasoned with the freshest olive oil. Here is another justification: for those who want to look deeper, who do not have enough fluent notes, this issue has one more piece from Italy. He is unhurried, he is about how Tonino Guerra lives in his pink house in the valley of the Marecchia River - this is exactly that quiet Italy. vybecard.com

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